Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MKM Open Thread (Mar. 28, 2012)

Welcome to your MKM Blog open thread for March 28, 2012, the day you slept through your alarm and totally had to halfass the open thread for the blog you've essentially stopped paying attention to, to the extent you created a run on sentence just because you didn't have time to get the grammar good.

Hey, welcome everyone.  Uh... have fun?



  1. That is why I come to Deadspin:

    1. And I come to make and read hilarious jokes! How strange.

    2. As do I, but name-calling is always fun too.


  3. Wow, hard to believe MC Serch was ever taken seriously. Has there ever been a more unlikely rapper?

    1. 1. Brian Austin Green
      2. David Faustino

    2. I should have clarified..."unlikely SUCCESSFUL rappers"

    3. Cowboy Troy

  4. Diamond Girl, you sure do shine.
    Glad I found you, glad you're mine.
    Oh my love, you're like a precious stone,
    part of earth where heaven has rained on.

  5. Perhaps somebody with better knowledge of the inner working of the site could help with this one, but explain to me how scotchnaut's +1 reply to my joke in the Tebow/Reebok comments needed to be promoted as his star disappeared. I then clicked on the profile attached to his, and it is different from the one that made a great joke just a few threads below. Are there different scotchnauts? I doubt it based on his edit in the same thread. Just the other day, I noted a secondary Same Sad Echo account as well. Is it this comment overhaul that's sparking such glitches?

    1. There's been a glitch in a few cases in which, when people tried to tie their existing DS account to a Google/Twitter/Facebook account, they wound up with a whole new, unapproved Gawker account. That seems to have happened to the commenter who I will continue to call Vodkanaut. There are now two of them.

    2. In my case, several months ago I was trying to comment on Gawker and couldn't get in under my regular account. So I logged in with my twitter account, which did spawn a secondary account. That dude managed to pick up six followers, which totally ruled.

      I just linked my original account to my twitter account when they asked us to last week; so far I haven't noticed any issues and am still commenting with my original account.

      Which is a very long way of saying: shove it up your blow-hole, vodkanaut.

    3. I see. I've just now logged-out and signed back in and I wasn't asked for a twitter or Facebook account. It seems this transition is quite gradual.

    4. Scotchy here. I was flummoxed this morning to find out I was only approved on The Jez. A new browser brought old wonderful me back so I had to go over and approve that other guy.

    5. I switched over yesterday and recall it being glitchy. I'm not a big fan of this, but what are you going to do? I was forced to create a twitter account for this screen name. I honestly don't have the energy to create ones for my Kotaku and Jalopnik screen names.
      Everyone, feel free to follow me on twitter: @ILikeCheapBeer.
      I assure you, I'm far less unfunny on twitter than I am on DS.

    6. I think if your associated e-mail address is a Gmail address, there's nothing you need to do. I provided a Gmail address when signing up for an account way back when and I've yet to be prompted to do anything.

    7. No, I have a GMail address and have been forced to convert also.

    8. Is that so?

      *Gets Twitter account ready for the big day*

  6. A starred guy saw a TV show once!

    1. Coolest Story Ever, Bro!

    2. Way to completely fuck up someone else's comment, 4thDillweedBrother.

  7. Sorry. Sorry. Nothing sets me off quite like a series of evangelical christian posts in a row and I couldn't get away from it today. I was either reading about Tebow's commercial, or the Passion World Tour, or Kirk Cameron's movie thing.

    Unreasonable level of irritation getting in the way of making any jokes. But really...I thought this was going to get more response than it did.


    2. Isn't that why this exists?

    3. God, I sure hope my response didn't have anything to do with it. I thought it was genius not only for its comedic value, but also for its truthfulness. Social surveys were a big part of my cirriculum in college, and every point you hit was dead on.

  8. There's a pretty awesomely-awful pinko comment in the mugshot thread, in which he makes a "I'm getting too old for this shit" 'joke', only he attributed it to Donal Glover on accident.

  9. So for the past few days I've been going to Deadspin and I read the posts and comments and I cannot think of a comment. I think I might be done. Done done. To paraphrase Steely Dan, I'm not what I used to be, and commenting ain't a game for free.

    I write this not as a eulogy or to spur a "take back the night"-type vigil. I just think that IMG should change the name of the blog and the "finest commenter" motto, as it is now far from the truth.

    Brevity is he soul of wit,

    1. This is an imposter. The real MKM signs off XOXO.

      However, I am having the exact same issue. I just sit and stare at the screen. I'll try and force something out sometimes, but as is the case with forcing something out, I usually just end up with a hemorrhoid.

      I guess what I'm saying is, I'm not nearly as eloquent as you.

    2. No way that's you, Vilanch.

      Quick, tell me Julie Taymor's measurements.

      /I'm in a rut, too. Commenting in general has been, don't know why

    3. It's the posts. You commenters play the hands you're dealt, and the posts haven't lent themselves to the snarky humor we readers have come to know and love.

    4. It is MKM and I am serious and hey, thanks. Once one guy tried to make a Harley Granville-Barker joke bit it just fell flat.

    5. Ha! You are funny with your boxing and your neediness. You'll be fine. I suggest changing the name of the blog to "Uwe Wooey!" if you ever need me I'll be in Irving Betlin's apartment over the Music Box theater on 45th st.

      You, Mike, are flush with olive oil voice and guinea charm.

  10. A certain Analysis Rube has been spotted in the dense pink underbrush of DUAN.

    1. The question is what comes first, facetious promotion or swift execution?

    2. Analysis Rube uses Dipshit! It's super effective!

  11. Has anybody else had an extremely difficult time logging-in/staying logged in/being yourself when you do log in over at Deadspin today?

    1. I've logged in via Twitter since I've been on Deadspin. I haven't had the problems you and Scotch have had, but I've always had a problem with staying logged in. I just thought that was normal.

    2. I think I figured it out.

      I was having a lot of trouble with signing in on Twitter today, so I synched my account with gmail as well. I'm not positive, but I think it created a 2nd Sgt. Hammerclaw account, that is now approved thanks to my cluelessness.

      At least now you will all know when I've completely lost my mind. When I start trolling myself with a parallel account years from now, it will be a bad sign of my mental state.
