Monday, April 2, 2012

MKM Open Thread (Apr. 2, 2012)

Welcome to your MKM Blog open thread for April 2, 2012, the day you discovered that sometimes death can be better than the alternative.

Good morning, everyone.  Thanks for stopping by Ye Olde MKM Blog.  We're sort of the Newt Gingrich of blogs about blogs aren't we: there's no chance this is going to end well, and everyone is begging us to do the right thing and shut it down, but we're not going anywhere.  Also, I'm pretty sure Eddie Murray Sparkles once got his wife to sign am unfavorable divorce agreement while she was under medication in the hospital recovering from life-saving treatment.

Anyway, let's have some fun for as long as this lasts.  Here's a Youtube clip to get you started.


  1. That's a facile analysis. They're similar in intent, but The Classical follows through with actual depth of thought and quality writing, while Grantland is all posturing and cuteness. Calling The Classical a "Grantland rip-off" is like calling Goodfellas a Cobra ripoff because they both have guns in them.

  2. Does anyone else get bummed when they check the ninja's profile and see that he hasn't laid the smack down on anyone for half a fortnight?

    1. Totally. It's the only profile I have bookmarked.

    2. Yeah I do that all the time.

      Show me you care dammit.

  3. Are you saying Goodfellas ISN'T a Cobra ripoff?

    And as soon as I look up facile, I may be outraged...or flattered. Not sure. I'll get back to you.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hey everyone, remember when IMG said we were going to crack down on anonymous bashing? This is a crack down on anonymous bashing.

    2. CJ SpillerYourGuts MomApril 2, 2012 at 3:51 PM

      That's my little hero!

    3. Hm. I guess everything I do is bashworthy.

  5. So, Lord Comment = Red Headed Step Child?

    I'm more confused than [insert example of something or someone that's really confused].

    1. I can't believe this. I feel so stupid for thinking LordComment was funny only to find out it was that clown RHSC the whole time. Goddammit.

    2. RHSC was a troll account that Drew had approved/starred at one point. His thing was only saying things in ALL CAPS. He had been banned a few times and kept coming back with new accounts under the same name. He had a few moments of actually being funny, but it got old quick. It appears he's played us all.

  6. I heartily disagree that The Classical "follows through with actual depth of thought and quality writing, while Grantland is all posturing and cuteness." I am seen equal amounts of shit and gold on both websites, and believe me, I tried hard to love TC and am no fan of Simmons.

  7. I disagree, but there's room to disagree on which site is better, or whether either one is. The real point is that TC isn't a "rip-off" of Grantland: there's certainly more than enough room in the wide world for two sites that feature (or aim to feature) high-quality, intelligent, and longer-form sports writing without calling one a "rip-off" of the other. Hell, Grantland wasn't even the first to do what it (claims it) does.

    And in any event, brushing past Grantland's ESPN patronage as though it's irrelevant is kind of silly: it's the key difference between the two. Grantland (whatever you think of the quality of its content) is still essentially ESPN dressing itself up in a ringer t-shirt and skinny jeans so that it can try to blend in at an indie show: however they try to dress it up, it's just another ESPN mouthpiece, which makes its posture as an independent sportswriting boutique a legitimate target for ridicule. TC truly is a bunch of sportswriters making their own way and standing up on the merits of their actual output, rather than the hype of a handful of middlebrow culture celebrities and the thermonuclear marketing wattage of the sports world's lone superpower.

  8. I think you nailed it perfectly, Joe Notstupid. Oink!
