Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MKM Open Thread (Apr. 4, 2012)

Just...  Just do whatever it is you do.


  1. This is what I do, IMG.

    F5, no blue circle with number.
    F5, no blue circle with number.
    F5, F5.+

  2. Just... Just do whatever it is you do.


  3. in the summer of 1999, the movie has a lot of lame mainstream "alt-rock" on the soundtrack, and everybody's computer is laughably antiquated

    Weird that computers from 1999 would look antiquated in 2012, right Grierson? Dipwad.

  4. Do what we do? Okay.

    Kills Hooker - UweBollocks
    Masturbates 4 times before 11am - Same Sad Echo
    Talks about how great he is - Raysism
    Gets Wasted - IMG
    Flexes in mirror - Bevraj of Choice
    Applies Jheri Curl Activator - Eddie Murray Sparkles
    Bathes in Heavy Cream - All Over But the Sharting
    Gets Star / Loses Star - Phintastic
    Bros Out with Bros - Landycakeboss
    Steals Traffic Cone from Roadside - GamboaConstrictor
    Does Physics for Fun - Steve U
    Makes Terrible Joke - econdave, Moe Golden

  5. A five minute standing O in Florida? Get over yourself, Raysism.

    1. Unbelievably, Raysism would have been less uncomfortable.

    2. On the outside, I'm crying, but on the inside, I'm laughing, because I thought of this really funny joke about me having a five minute orgasm while standing in front of you two.

  6. If you're going to do a political joke, it has GOT to land better than this.

    1. Ha! I was also going to link that comment here. Just terrible.

    2. You're absolutely right, I won't even attempt them. If you're going to make a political joke you've pretty much got to leave the party politics out of it or be really, really clever (not to mention that comment reads more like a hyphenated sentence than a question and answer).

    3. I've attempted a few in my day, on both sides of the fence, and I felt slimy each time. It takes a hell of a joke to stay above the fray and not sound bitter, and I don't have it in me.

  7. So did anyone else think this was a little bizarre?

    Was there a level to this joke I don't understand or is it really just "it's funny because it's another historically black college?"

    1. What If Hamilton Nolan Went To Howard???April 4, 2012 at 7:19 PM

      That's all I got out of it. An interesting take coming from our old pal HamNo.

    2. The Amazing SneijdermanApril 4, 2012 at 9:49 PM

      I think he was making a joke about how "feared" the Howard athletic teams are. I'm assuming he could have used any college in the conference. That's how I saw it, but I can see how it's pretty vague.

  8. IMG, a boxer was just involved in a thing. Why have we not heard your opinion on this yet?!?!?

  9. That Muhammed Ali first pitch video...sweet Jesus, I wish I hadn't seen that. Felt awful for everybody involved.

  10. So does anyone else think that Barry should have got the top job instead of Tommy? Barry churns out at least 1 great you'll-never-read-this-shit-on-ESPN/SI post a day, like today's on the Votto contract.

    Don't get me wrong I like Tommy, Barry just seems to be the brains of the place. But maybe that is because Tommy is busy dealing with bullshit and trying to fend off Scocca complaining about how he left the toilet seat up.

    1. I don't understand enough about what the actual job of being a Deadspin writer/editor is to make a call like that. I've certainly been enjoying Deadspin since Craggs took over and am a huge fan of his writing (not that I'm not of Petchesky's). If anything I wish Tommy was free to write more articles...but who knows how much of his influence is involved in the longer form posts.

      But yeah, I'll agree to the point that Barry's been doing some incredible work lately.
