Friday, April 6, 2012

MKM Open Thread (Apr. 6, 2012)

Welcome to your MKM Blog open thread for April 6, 2012, the day you commemorated the crucifixion of your Lord and Savior by taking the day off work and drinking a lot of Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers.

Hey, everyone.  How you all doing?   You excited for a nice Easter weekend?  That's great.  Say hi to your cousin for me, will you.  Did you know I totally hooked up with her when I was 16.  I mean, don't mention this to her, but it totally happened and it was awesome.

Anyway, let's make some funny jokes today.  Here's a Youtube clip to get you started.


  1. Playing, playing with the boys
    Staying, playing with the boys
    After chasing sunsets
    One of life's simple joys
    Is playing with the boys

  2. Anybody 'round here today ever post a joke that received no recognition, only to have you awake the next day with nary a reply? This is the only time I'll ever do this, but I reckoned my joke in the Petrino "Ozark Chappaquiddick" was quite crafty. Without a doubt, it was overshadowed by the witty observation made below by a Mr.5THOrseman. But c'mon, was my joke funny or am I completely disillusioned?

    1. I'll be honest. I thought your joke was clever, but not necessarily *funny*. I mean, it probably had the right elements to make a funny joke, but it could have been presented in a less traditional way that might have made the pun pop a bit more.

      Also, I guess I'm alone in this, but I didn't think the 5thorseman joke was very good. So maybe I'm just a grump. But it didn't even elicit a titter from me.

    2. IMG, I think you hit the nail on the head there. I didn't really laugh at the 5thorseman joke, but I thought it was quite smart in its observation, and certainly merited a promotion. Further, I agree with you that the construction of my comment could have been ameliorated to perhaps draw a laugh or two.

    3. Why would you want to put your comment at the bottom of the ocean? That seems counterproductive at best.

    4. Cobra's joke: Didn't see it. Slightly wordy, but still funny. Would've +1'd at the time.

      5thorseman's joke: Very entry level joke, in my opinion. I mean, those things sound like the other things, sure. It's always dumb to judge the quality of a joke on +1s, since it's all personal and it's more a measure of the broadness of the joke, but I saw it and did not promote it purposefully. Probably worth that at least, but I couldn't tell you why it's funny. I don't want to discourage a new guy, though, I hope he sticks around - that one wasn't for me though.

    5. Same boat, BH. I thought the construction was a little lazy, the content felt borrowed even if it wasn't, Pitino jokes have never worked for me and the connection between Paterno and sects is non existent. I don't think Catholics have been a sect in the last 1950 years or so. So, for me, it was just okay, dawg, but as long as Simon and Paula are waving you through, welcome to Hollywood!

    6. This, I feel, is what this blog should be about: discussion on what does and doesn't make a great post. Cobra, your joke was quite clever. But this is how I would've worded it: Petrino, Paterno, Pitino: Sex, sects, secs

  3. It's official, the star is of no value whatsoever.

    1. Bane's Addiction in the Gronk post I'm assuming?

      Check out that commenting history.

      Like this fine example:

      (copy and paste yourself kids)

    2. Yo, Craggs, what the heck were you thinking?

    3. Somebody really liked that comment, since Deadspin's post on facebook about this is "To quote a commenter: "Nobody's gotten this much pussy wearing Zubaz since 1988":".

    4. Triumph of the Will ClarkApril 6, 2012 at 4:05 PM

      Hey, what are you guys saying? Fuck, I'm begin to feel like I did when I figured out I had bought my house at the peak of the market.

  4. Wow, back-to-back posts about '90s-era teen movies and the dude from "Karate Kid." For a site that loves to shit on Sports Guy, Deadspin sure as hell likes to emulate him.

    1. Triumph of the Will ClarkApril 6, 2012 at 4:28 PM

      It's as if the Sports Guy was born in '78 and grew up in St. Louis.

  5. So this didn't work out at all like I intended.

    (Maverick: The comment I was referencing was in pink below and said "That's not a Hitler Mustache. Hitler's mustache goes all the way up to the nose and cuts off before the end of the lips. It's square. Melo's mustache has nothing in common with the Hitler version.")

  6. This is just, "explaining," right? Not trying to troll at all. Just trying to let them understand.

    Is this why I'm divorced?

    1. Nope, that made perfect sense to me. That's simply an experience they won't experience.


    Please Spiller, don't hurt em'.

  8. It's one thing to have discussions about comments, it's another thing to completely fucking pander for praise. Grow a pair, would you?

    /nods at Lance Armstrong and John Kruk across room
    //heads to cafeteria
