Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Desperate Times...

Thanks for the link, gents.

If anyone's coming here for the first time, I...I...I just don't know how to explain. If you're looking for substantive content, might as well venture towards the doors. Or something like that.

If not, jump right in below.


  1. (You think that maybe it's over)
    (Only if you want it to be)
    Are you gonna wait for
    your sign, your miracle?
    Stand up and fight

    (This is it)
    Make no mistake where you are
    (This is it)
    Your back's to the corner
    (This is it)
    Don't be a fool anymore
    (This is it)
    The waiting is over

  2. Replies
    1. If you're new, let me catch you up on the history of MKMUB.

      Figurines. That's pretty much it.

  3. Please.

    It's not like I plug my balog over there. ORGANIC GROWTH OR HTFE!!!

    I mean, GTFO!!! Sorry.

  4. You would plug it if you weren't so keen on maintaining a second level of anonymity to keep the "in-crowd" vibe going with IMG and his bros.

    The HFTE guys are open about who they are and invite others to contribute. You might learn something from them.

    1. Hey everybody, look! It's a mo-ron!!!

    2. If you're over the age of 12, anon guy, you need to reevaluate what you're doing with your life. Who gets this wrapped up in something so ridiculous? Internet cliques and commenting bros? Get a grip.

    3. @Anon

      Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.

  5. It’s okay guys, I’m still alive. Just a little gassy (poot). Just because 50 days of Really Good Tunes That Marv Pretends to HATE is over, it doesn’t mean you can let this place go to shit Marv. Where’s the new content? What am I paying my insider subscription fee for? I agree with your last caller, maybe if you were more open about who you are (I refuse to believe Marv Skeevy is your real name) and cut down on security on this site you would get more anonymous and insightful comments. Perhaps you should think about scrapping your current system and going with a system that would facilitate better discussion. A place where anyone can post anything they want anonymously and not have to think twice about what they are writing. That’s the only way you are going to start breaking some real stories around here. Is this site supposed to be a legitimate news source or just some little balog where people stop by to chat with one another?!?

  6. Clearly what this blog needs is for someone who has received numerous awards for achievement in the field of Excellence (e.g., me) to kick start a conversation. I take this duty very seriously. Without further ado:

    So, the weather, huh? Man.

    1. Hilarious convo starter Echsies, but it's not so funny when you realize the weather is controlled by the Freemasons.

    2. Pffft. Why bother? Snopes is controlled by the Chamber of Commerce.

    3. Wow this has gotten off track. I meant like, we've gone from hurricane to sunny to sleety in like, two days.

  7. If you write FIRST on an internet comment section, you might be a dipshit.
