Thursday, May 17, 2012

MKMOT (May 17, 2012)

I saw some activity down there yesterday. Are you guys starting to get it? I sure hope so.

I was starting to get self-conscious. Which is crazy, because I don't need to be liked. Just respected, in the sense that respect is measured by the volume of idiotic "Guy Who" comments. Side note: can we all agree to include a semi-funny pic link if we're going to pull that and expect it to not get removed/reprimanded? Thanks. We'll go over more rules later. Right now, I'm still putting out coffee and cookies for you jerks. Take two, if you'd like. I'm a whore like that.

Hate me? I can live with that. Just address it below. Below this video of questionable relevance and entertainment value, where I give you unlimited space to pine for IMG and whore out your BBQ sauce recipe before 8 PM Eastern. I'm nice like that.

The thread is open, like the mic that encourages hipster poetry.


  1. What I love about this balog is that the editors have all the qualities that make high school girls so wonderful.

  2. When y'all talk about the best/most missed commenters, Fendi Hotdogbun is never mentioned. If a little more appreciation would be shown, maybe he'd come back you dicks.

  3. You guys know who was really great, and who I miss the most? OnTheTwelfthNightOfLloydChristmas. That guy was OK.

    I miss no others.

  4. I haven't attempted to sign in to Deadspin in, like, weeks and weeks. When I tried today, it seemed like the Twitter redirect is malfunctioning. That's totally a sign: God is protecting me from the pinkies.

    1. But who will protect me from you?

    2. I think I came up with a similar explanation for my horrible awkwardness around girls in High School.

    3. I will say this: I have a running list of my favorite comments of the year, so there will at least be one more MBA post before the end of time.

    4. Please let us know over here when that post is up. And for the love of balogs, don't wait until the end of the year.

    5. My name will take you to Shitehawk's secret list.

  5. Pink slime should have a star.

  6. Sure seems like everyone's breaking out their best jokes in the waning hours of pre-Powwow commenting. So many great jokes in the last few days. I have been laughing an awful lot, so +1s all around.

    1. Thanks dude, but I'm still not watching your cat while you're on vacation.
