Saturday, April 7, 2012

On Genius

I think the word "genius" gets thrown around an awful lot these days. In our "yay you can do it!" society, everyone is praised for their intellect, even if they don't deserve it. Your kid gets an A- on his Civil War diorama? Genius. You sign your boss up for a Skype account and connect his webcam? Genius. Order a small drink at Taco Bell because you know it's free refills, and why pay for a larger cup? Genius.

That's why it's so rare and appreciated to see actual genius in action. Of course I'm referring to the singing Loggins cousins. Kenny, of course, needs no introduction, and we have been blessed to have him grace these pages. But his under-heralded cousin Dave is a musical genius in his own right, as profiled in this post over on Deadspin.

I know it's almost Easter and those of us who are Christians are supposed to take time and reflect on Jesus. But I don't think the good Lord would call it a sin to bask in the love & glory of Loggins for a few minutes too.


  1. It isn't Easter.

    1. Picky, picky. You need to let the love of Loggins wash over you, my friend.

    2. I just listened to the song. And you're right. I apologize.

      Hold me.

    3. I feel so safe here.

    4. I wish I could agree. If only MKM could quit his roaming ways.

  2. I think about the times to come
    knowin' I will be the lucky one
    And ever our love will last
    I always want to call you "friend"

  3. Wait....

    That Taco Bell drink move ISN'T genius? Don't tell me loading up on sauce packets for the homestead isn't, either, or I'm going to have to re-evaluate my ironclad assessment of my own intelligence.
