Saturday, August 18, 2012

MKMOT (August 18-19, 2012)

Performance art! Controversy!! Trolling!!! Troll-Owning!!!! Deleting!!!!! It's like the "lions and tigers and bears" of balogging. Oh my, indeed. All topped off by a completely legitimate early morning push to get over 100 comments that I certainly can not provide any inside information about!

I've already heard from one corporate sponsor who is happy. Very happy. And that makes me very happy, because a schwag package is on the way! The system is working!!!

As am I. Today. For you. With pleasure. Should I be? Is it a waste? Tombstones? TBD. We'll see. It's open.


  1. Aww, come on now. If this is how you're going to react to South American indigenous person history humor, then, like, WHY DO I EVEN TRY, MANNNNNNN

    1. Oh, now you're just being hurtful. I could never touch our hallowed balog founder's decrepit FILA pool sandals, let alone his fine body of work.

    2. Uhhhhhh.... uhhhhhhhh...


    3. 'Tis truly amazing how many of these new folks seem to have no idea that Deadspin is a place where people make jokes. And how seriously they take posts that are really just setups for those jokes.

    4. Piggybacking on Erg's comment above, I think the same thing applies to these people understanding that the commenters are making jokes, not trying to argue the merits of every single post. I've been pretty open about my disdain for Kinja, but recently - lack of an approval process aside - one of my biggest frustrations lately has been the replies that I've been getting from people who don't understand what's going on here.

      Lately, every other joke I've been making seems to get at least one reply explaining why it doesn't hold up, and that I'm an asshole for making it. Over the last few days, I've been called out about how because of the numerous soccer leagues in existence, it's disingenuous to call the entire sport of soccer corrupt (edited for literacy); how because Matt Kemp has never tested positive for steroids, making a joke that plays off that concept is irresponsible; and how my comment that implies ESPN would do a "tomb-watch" for 3 days after Tim Tebow's death and abandon their faith on day 4 doesn't hold up because he would rise from the dead on day 3.

      I've just been dismissing them, but it certainly takes some of the fun out of the process when I'm just as likely to be called out by somebody who missed the joke as I would be to get a +1 for it.

    5. Funny you mention that. I sort of enjoyed the number of replies my letter to Tommy got yesterday from people who skimmed the first paragraph and decided to tell me I was an asshole. Especially the people who posted their thoughts on the balog.

    6. I agree with IMG. I really do hate the stand-alone terrible comments, especially when they give birth to terrible conversations with additional terrible idiots. But I take a certain amount of joy in reading the off-the-wall replies I sometimes get, and if I can think of a funny way to reply to them, all the better.

      It's like finding a Rolo in a pile of dog shit.

    7. Yeah, maybe it's just the uptick in frequency of these replies that has been bothering me. Every example I gave came within the last 3 or 4 days, and I haven't been commenting nearly as much lately so I just noticed it more. I can see why it would be funny to get those responses occasionally, but when 4 of my last 5 comments have been met with such replies, it gets tiresome.

    8. My options there all sucked, was the issue. I wasn't familiar with the Tyson quote in question (my Google search led me to the Simmons column, which led to the monologue [disturbing dialogue?] above) and given the burner nature of things, I figured I'd toy with what seemed like an all-too-likely misspelling that comes from typing pioneering mongoloid responses at the speed of light.

      Instead, I come off looking like the asshole - if I reply in kind or dismiss the comment, then it's defeating the whole "be funny, don't be unfunny" nature of things; and by doing nothing, "Jamorphus3" [wanking motion] gets to think that, "Oh man, I TOLD HIM GOOD."


    9. @BH'd eat the Rolo?

    10. @BBAM

      I'm a very curious person.

  2. 2/10

    Too obvious an attempt to start shit for no reason, and too much fabricating the whole "virulently racist" thing out of thin air. Keep trying, though! If this were a balog about Gawker commenting you would have gotten an 8/10 at the very least.

    1. Guy Who judges the correctness of reply locationsAugust 18, 2012 at 1:22 PM

      negative 6/10

    2. I thought "too obvious" would equate to "probably not a real troll." My bad.

  3. It was a joke, based on the 20 or so responses calling Sean a racist and his own pre-emptive denial.

  4. There's nothing more depressing than the dead certainty of some yutz posting a "Who throws a shoe? Honestly?" Austin Powers quote or video in that Danica Patrick post.

    In five... four... three... two...

  5. Thanks! I figured that pun was probably covered in the Great Melky Cabrera Twitter Steroid Milk Punapalooza of 2012 a few days ago, but I couldn't resist.

  6. Hey, you up there. 5th Guy down from the top, with the overly punctuated name.

    Your link- just wow. I mean, there are consistently amazing ones on here day after day, but just wow. Well fucking done.

    That is all.

  7. Replies
    1. You could try jerking off to this. Usually works for me.

      - Fat Guy
