Thursday, October 25, 2012

MKMOT/50 Days of HATE- Day 39 (October 25, 2012)

Fact: I've never listened to this song.

Fact: I don't need to.

I've been trolled by a pop superstar. HATE is the only option. It's open.


  1. I'm going to try to not be too serious here, but when Nicki is less synth-pop and more rap, her stuff borders on fantastic. This one is probably the weakest track on Roman Reloaded, but still, you've got to imagine it would be just fine if you heard it while Minaj was using your face like a La-Z-Boy. I do, anyway.

    1. I have to agree here. Her ability to switch her voice to the point where she's almost having conversations with herself is pretty impressive, as is the emotion she exudes. That said, she spends most of her time in the synth pop-rap arena ... which I would too if it offered me millions a year.

    2. The Amazing SneijdermanOctober 25, 2012 at 11:16 AM

      Her verse on Monster on MBDTF was unreal. That's all I have to add.

    3. Totally agree. As Sneijderman mentions, her rap credentials were solidified on Monster, when she totally showed up Ye and Jay. That verse was amazing. Same goes for that Big Sean track (Ass). But the pop stuff I don't get.

    4. I need to stress again, I have never heard the song, and this has absolutely nothing to do with her music in general.

    5. The Amazing SneijdermanOctober 25, 2012 at 12:28 PM

      Capitalizing on my new-found street cred, I'd say that Azealia Banks is the second* closest I've heard to following in Minaj's footsteps in terms of rap talent. But I haven't listened to too much of her work, tbh.

      *A distant second to Karmin, of course.

    6. /Winks and nods theatrically
      //Mugs so hard she pulls a jaw muscle

  2. She's got cred. She's got skills. She's been head-spinning in spots.

    She's also prone to some empty, awful self-indulgent shit-- like this, and MOST of Roman Reloaded-- and OKing some terrible/dumb-fashionable production tricks, like Gaga without a sense for melody. In short, she puts out a lot of crap, as befits someone with a pooper that can suffocate mid-sized suburbs.

    But, yeah, "Monster" can sit on my face anyday.

    1. Also, cones are for idiots and Mongols. EVERYONE who knows what's what has their come in cups.

  3. Awesome, yet another song I've never heard. I wouldn't recognize anything by Nicki Minaj if I heard it anyway.

    We're almost 4/5th through this list, and I have to assume that the the top 10 is heavily stacked with Katy Perry entries.

  4. Hey. If this so happens to be one of those days that an important person ventures over here, are we EVER getting PMs back? All discussions on this matter back around kinja rollout time left me with the impression that we'd certainly have had them by now. It can't be that difficult. Can it???

  5. I've never actually heard this thing I'm criticizing, but it is ruining America.

  6. Does this constant massaging ever come with a tug? I need a release.

  7. I've been more or less absent from Deadspin for a few weeks, so I haven't quite gotten used to the phenomenon of waking up in the morning, hitting refresh, and seeing 8 replies - a random mix of serious responses to jokes, overly-exuberant +1s from random burners who apparently have never read a joke before, and trolling diatribes.

    It actually is pretty entertaining - this is my new favorite part of Kinja (replacing my old favorite part, the ... well ... )
