Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MKMOT/50 Days of HATE- Day 39 (October 24, 2012)

It's open.


  1. You know, living with the possibility of being drafted and sent to Viet Nam really wasn't that bad when compared to listening to this song.

  2. I'd like to think that prior to this morning, I was one of the few people who was actually concerned about Marv's manic depression. After today's selection, I just don't care anymore.

  3. These guys make Marcy Playground look like Vertical Horizon.

  4. I love for the day some genius musician rhymes "you" with "pew pew pew" and double finger-guns.

    No, really. That's what keeps me alive.

  5. Still literally laughing my ass off that we all lost our avatars and the official communique regarding such an obvious (if unimportant) system-wide error thus far has been "....."

    1. I took it as a sign from the cosmos, and changed mine.

    2. Come on. Inside, I'm the same person you befriended, man. I just have different genitals and listen to screamo and make countless Facebook posts about how evil Mitt Romney is.

    3. I don't know what you're talking about. I never lost my avatar.
      Question for those who've had their avatars pixelated: What 3rd party do you use to log into Gawker media? I use Twitter. I'm wondering if the issue is specific to Facebook or Google users.

    4. Maybe. I use Twitter, and my avatar was never Burnerized.

    5. Twitter. Burnerized.

      @StF See, I liked the old genitals.

  6. Is there an actual joke that Captain Homeless missed, here? If there is, I'm missing it too.

    1. In other news, the deck chairs on the Titanic need rearranging.

    2. My guess is that the original commenter was making fun of Barry for writing 'toward,' instead of 'towards.' Which is funny because both 'toward' and 'towards' are perfectly acceptable words in the English language. However, the use of 'towards' is prohibited in AP Style due to the superfluous 's' wasting space, so Barry is technically correct in his verbiage. I am also certain there is no joke, no matter what HammondJesus says.

  7. I thought that was the giant magnet strapped to your chest, pulling away shards of metal that are dangerously close to your heart?

    Sorry, I'm very excited about the Iron Man 3 trailer.

  8. Hey. If this so happens to be one of those days that an important person ventures over here, are we EVER getting PMs back? All discussions on this matter back around kinja rollout time left me with the impression that we'd certainly have had them by now. It can't be that difficult. Can it???

    1. Somewhat related-

      Echo, if I don't get my curling iron back soon, your hair won't be your only permanent disability.

    2. Mrs. Hammerclaw- "You never make love to me anymore!"

      Sgt. Hammerclaw- "Surprise!!!" /opens door to reveal male prostitute.

    3. If you can't share it with everybody, squire, well... maybe you shouldn't say it at all., huh?

    4. Look Gamboa,I've won the Shirley Temple look-alike contest 27 years running, I ain't quitting now.

    5. PM's were promised, and not delivered. And Hammerclaw's massive waste of time and resources (and overall, his life) aside, twitter DM's are limited to just a scant 140 characters. When I'm begging someone to +1 my Lance Armstrong one ball teabag of SJP's horseface during a Lusitania voyage with you guessed it, Frank Stallone, I need more characters than that.

    6. Gamboa, it wasn't long after that incident that Mrs. Hammerclaw left me for that very same yahoo.

      Now, I'm just a man (barely) alone with his jpegs.

    7. You guys have all been a huge help.

      /starts MySpace page

  9. I still encounter this song via various pop or rock outlets from time to time, and I still can't comprehend why. I didn't understand the appeal back then, I certainly can't fathom how it has stood any test of time. Horrible, horrible song.

  10. Jesus, Marv, you really hit your stride with the HATE songs in Week 4. That was a ridiculously difficult poll question.
