Monday, February 13, 2012

MKM Open Thread (Feb 13, 2012)

Welcome to your MKM Blog open thread for February 13, 2012, the day you discovered how many of your co-workers, who so far as you know have never done anything to help a homeless person or stray dog, are emotionally unavailable to work because they need more time to fully "process" the passing of a drug-addled pop singer who has not released any decent work in more than twenty years, as if it were their grandmother or something.  She was an angel!

Hey, everybody.  So why does everyone hate Friday the 13th so much?  It's still a Friday.  This is a goddamned Monday.  I hate Monday the 13th.   You know what else I hate, Monday the 1-12, 14-31.  Mondays suck.  Virtually no one will think it's cool to start Happy Hour at 11:00 a.m on a Monday.  Pompous jerks.

Anywho, at least we have each other, right?  So have fun, rip some lousy comments (preferably in appropriately sized and capitalized font with some actual clever contributions, umkay?).   Here's a Youtube clip to get you started.


  1. Not particularly angry commenterFebruary 13, 2012 at 1:31 PM

    Hey, guys. Did you know that Asians have eyes that look different from caucasians? That is a well that never goes dry.

  2. Holy shit, IMG actually made a real live joke!

  3. Who cares about helping the homeless? What have the homeless ever done for ME other than making major metropolitan areas smell like urine?

  4. Steve Jeltz Fan -- you come here once a quarter, and you have a star for no good reason. Hopefully this comment will relieve us of this problem:

    1. Amen. Let's put a pin in the whole "horribly racist" thing for a second. Was that funny? Original? In any way related to the post? No. It was, at best, a weak attempt at shock value whose mediocrity and predictability deprived it even of that.

  5. Universal Enveloping AlgebraFebruary 13, 2012 at 2:43 PM

    I seem to remember a discussion on this blog about replies to comments. I think it's fair to assume that Joey Barton did not read said discussion.

    1. Universal Enveloping AlgebraFebruary 13, 2012 at 2:44 PM

      Fuck, he edited it and added a "+1", which makes the reply a little less awful. Before, it just said "- Joe Paterno," which makes zero sense and is horrible.

    2. It's still awful. I was unaware that Joe Paterno is a zombie or a guy who comments about zombies.

    3. I came here just to talk about the -Joe Paterno reply. That may be the most confusingly bad reply I've ever seen.

  6. I know that typically this is reserved for terrible Deadspin comments, but FUCK this is a Gawker comment that deserves to be viewed:

    Nice one, Broseph! It's about the artists, man. Also, love the "Sorry but..." construction. Always indicative that we're about to see a performance.

    1. I think he made some great points.

    2. I agree. Also, Inauthentic is my new favorite commenter.

      " "Why did he need them" -- Jason Whitlock" -- Cliched Deadspin Commenter

      Nailed. It.

  7. Raysism is Bob Moore.
