Monday, February 20, 2012

MKM Open Thread (February 20, 2012)

It's President's Day. Come out talking and keep it clean.

Edit: my opinion only. Probably not a good idea to start starring people for ethnic slur jokes, unless you think a lot of people haphazardly trying to one up each other is a good look for the comments section.


  1. IMG: How about a daily unapproved comment-of-the-day post, called "Pink in the Armor"?

    1. Consider it done. I'll need all of you to submit nominees in the comments.

      I'll start this when I get back from vacation later this week.

    2. That's not how you pronounce Qatar!

      (this is especially funny given Raysism's comment just below it)

    3. How about The Daily Shocker where you do two pink comments and one stink comment?

    4. Wanna know how I pronounce Qatar?


      /with reference to Shuttledik, an approved commenter whose defiance was often noted by starred commenters, much to their amusement.
      // and are html, sorry, html code for text featured in italics, thus giving the statement extra merit or eluding to some altogether completely different or abstract notion.

  2. Billy Clyde Puckett was just inexplicably starred, meaning the last ten or so starrings that I can think of have been of poor to mediocre quality.

    So here is today's question: What was the most recent starring of a truly great commenter? Or better said, what was the most recent starring when you said "goddam, that guy is going to be great"?

    1. Either Mantis or DJ Jeff Weaver. I can't remember which was more recent, but those guys absolutely came out swinging. Wish we saw more of both of them.

      I do think there have been a lot of promising starrings lately, but those guys were the hottest guys on the site when they got their stars.

    2. /Frantically digs through the last month and half's worth of comments to count starrings since mine.
      //Realizes that this is going to take substantially longer than I expected.
      ///Sighs, accepts mediocrity.

    3. Definitely Mantis M.D.

      It took him like 2 weeks to get a star, and you could argue that was about 1.5 weeks to long. He was in almost every single MBA roundup, and people were convinced he was just a regular starred commenter trying a different account. I choose him over DJ Jazzy Jeff because DJ Neuro (or whatever he used to be called) was around for quite a while before he hit his hot streak and got starred.

      Also, I'm almost positive Mantis M.D. was more recent than DJ Jazzy Jeff, which is what your question technically asked.

      -Talib's Rap Sheet

    4. Luckily for me, my family constantly reminds me how much of a disappointment I am to them, so this doesn't faze me.

      Even more luckily for me, this Buster Posey post gives me a PERFECT opportunity for a totally original "San Francisco - catcher - gays!!!!" joke that will totally blow QotD away.

    5. If I remember correctly, Robot Jerry Rice was starred just this week. He has had me [dying] with more than a few of his jokes. He can bring it.

    6. Universal Enveloping AlgebraFebruary 20, 2012 at 2:49 PM

      I resent this question. I'm definitely between "tolerable" and "quasi-decent."

    7. I was glad to see that UEA, Robot Jerry Rice, and ReverseApeChemist got starred recently as they all seem to do really nice work. I don't really remember much of Billy Clyde Puckett's work.

    8. How many commenters were ever "great" at the moment they got starred? Give these guys a chance to grow into it. Reverse Ape Chemist, Universal Enveloping Algebra, Sgt. Hammerclaw, and maybe a couple others have been starred recently who absolutely earned it, even if they're not quite Eddie Murray Sparkles yet (who is?). And Robot Jerry Rice used to be a very solid starred commenter, if I remember correctly, and I have no idea why he lost it.

      How about instead of shitting on these guys and making them feel unworthy or unwelcome, we congratulate them and cut them some slack?

    9. @Sharting

      Thank you

    10. @Sharting: Yeah, that hit the nail on the head. I can't think of anyone who was starred recently who didn't deserve it.

  3. Sometimes I read a comment and think it's pretty funny - but nothing earth shattering. But then the comment enters my mind randomly in the following weeks and/or months and I can't help but smile and crack up.

    One from Save to Favorites

    -Talib's Rap Sheet

  4. The Cock in Burke's MouthFebruary 20, 2012 at 2:10 PM


  5. The Real Dan Rather, For RealFebruary 20, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Phintastic comes perilously close to a banning.

    1. That didn't come across right. In an article about the oversaturation of Lin on ESPN, I linked to the DS "Jeremy Lin" tag (including stories about Sarah Palin having a Jeremy Lin shirt - suck it Barry Melrose) to point out that Lin is the biggest story everywhere, so of course he's getting the most mentions, including on Deadspin. Oh well.

    2. I understood your comment perfectly well.

    3. DS staff has always been a little touchy about anything they'd consider criticism of the writers or the blog itself, even if it's in joke form. It seems to have gotten to the point where NO criticism is accepted. Unless, of course, Scott Raab contributes something in which case it's perfectly fine to post "FUCK YOU! Go cry some ham-scented tears into your LeBron James pillow cases you disgusting fat body!"

    4. I'd kill for a cup of Ovaltine?

      May I have that as an alternative to the aforementioned Big Cup Of Fuck Off?

      /Ovaltine is a once popular additive that gives milk a flavour, oft confused with chocolate, but actually malt based.

  6. Is it me, or is DS getting a little more hostile lately? Obviously it was a little intimidating to come in as a new commenter and try to build a brand or whatever, but now I feel like half the newer commenters are just there to spew BS/racism/racist BS or post Family Guy clips, with the predictable banning to follow. Is it just a result of more exposure? More controversial postings? People just not caring whether they get banned? Who are these people, and why can't they make jokes?!

    1. Some people are being auto-approved after posting a comment. I've read that it's when you login via Twitter and only on Deadspin. It might be by design but I doubt it. You're noticing the results of that bug.

  7. I think that the whole Linsanity craze has something to do with this. A lot of unstarred commenters and shitty starred commenters like me go for the low-hanging fruit. In the case of the Sandusky posts, it's kid-touching, and with Lin, it's the underlying racism in the media. Therefore, these guys are replying with similarly race-fueled posts. I don't think it's necessarily a trend that will go beyond that. I dunno though.

    1. A different shitty starred commenterFebruary 20, 2012 at 5:25 PM

      It seemed like after the Sandusky posts, a lot of PSU defenders stuck around and made bad comments for a while.

  8. For some reason, I can't help but giggle at the thought of Billy Beane refering to Manny as "The Tits" for an entire season.

    1. [Beane walks into batting cages where Manny is taking pitches]

      Beane: "Manny, I'm trying to get every last ounce of baseball out of you and you're trying to get every last ounce of cheese out of that can. Let's pull on the same rope here [throws Manny a box of Ritz]"

  9. Vodkanaut --- (yes, Vodka...just like Metta WP is still Ron Artest to me)

    Just wanted to share my condolences for whatever this reply was supposed to be.

  10. That's a great joke.

    I didn't recognize the name so I clicked to check history. This was on the first page.

  11. So what...does streetcheese think just because much of the commentariat clearly had the day off from work he gets to take the day off too?

  12. Hand Crafted in Tralfamadore is up to 12 posts out of the total 35 in DUAN tonight. Not judging, just saying...that's a high percentage.

    1. I think I would enjoy him a lot more if he changed his name to "Shitty 'Melo."

  13. That was a fucking brilliant combination of comments, and as I was just skimming them, I honestly wouldn't have gotten it if it hadn't been for that annoying correction. Ironic.

  14. @EpiclarmicParagyrnum:

    I think it would have taken me a few reads, because my mind would almost certainly make the "severance package = circumcision" connection first, which doesn't make sense with "generous" but kind of does with "recession proof." I definitely wouldn't immediately pick up on the crucify.

  15. [hug]

    [sticks thumb up SSE's patoot]


  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Yo, that joke CRAAAY. Nevertheless, John Cusack is wack. That shit GAAAAAAAAA...

    - LIL' ROMEO

    /GAAAAAAAAA... rhymes with CRAAAY, but starts with GAAAAAAAAAA and ends in much the same fashion as CRAAAY, but without being mean.

  18. Thanks asshat.

    1. Fine. See if I give any more +1's. Asshole.

      Wait, you might have meant Echo. In that case I agree.
