Sunday, April 15, 2012

MKM Open Thread (April 15, 2012)

It's Sunday. Someone's got to do it.

But feel free to pleasantly surprise me with your performance down below. There is nothing specifically preventing you from engaging in brilliant and witty banter. Hangovers excluded.

Here's how it will work today. I will post a video clip that may or may not entertain you, and below that, you will type whatever you see fit. Then, it may or may not be removed. Capiche?

The thread is open like sesame.


  1. Can I make one point?

    I just wanna say that, earlier, you had a very patronizing tone towards me, CJ.

    I'm fully aware of what a balog is, and where to place my comments.

  2. [a][/a]

    1. This man calls you commenters boogereaters behind your back (actually, hes perfectly fine with insulting you in front of your back as well)April 15, 2012 at 1:30 PM

      Look, this is really weird.

  3. Uh...

    I hate Rick Pitino as much as the next guy, but this is a bit extreme.

    1. It was a Jezebel article yesterday. How this person ended up commenting about it on Deadspin is the new mystery.
