Friday, July 27, 2012

MKMOT (July 27, 2102)

So yesterday I went to Wendy's to get some lunch. I ordered a Coke. It was splendid.

But I got to thinking about the places that serve Pepsi instead. Everyone always orders a Coke, and then they have to ask "is Pepsi ok?" And then I got to thinking, if I was a Pepsi ad executive, how the hell would I deal with that kind of entrenched branding, where someone always asks for your competitor's product first? And then I got to thinking, are there people who actually prefer the taste of Pepsi to Coke? Then I got to thinking that this was the most boring train of thought I had ever had in my entire life. To make up for it, then I got to thinking about that dancing hurdler video from the other day. Then I got to thinking about just how absorbent napkins from Wendy's really are.

Anyway, thread's open. What have you all been thinking? Let us know, below.


  1. I'm thinking I want to murder a co-worker.


    He whistles. Tunelessly.

  2. So blog view is just gone, huh? That's too bad.

    1. On DS? I still have blog view...

    2. Weird. In Chrome all I can get is the "top" story on the main page, and chronological on the sidebar. The "top stories" button flashes for a second as the page loads, then disappears behind the banner ad.

      [shakes fist]
      [not a big deal compared to kinja, of course]

  3. I understand he was just giving +1s, but can we please dismiss anything by gif avatars? They fill me with an unreasonable rage.

    Also, I really miss PMs.

    1. Guy Whootie And The BlowfishJuly 27, 2012 at 1:08 PM

      "Also, I really miss PMs"

      -Menopausal women!!1!1!1!!!!

  4. I would like to apologize for a comment I made yesterday. As I was informed by three separate burner/noob commenters, the Prince song was not titled "When Doves Fry", but rather "When Doves Cry".

    Given this, it is clear that my comment makes no sense at all, because a dove would not possibly cry if it was set on fire.

    Sorry again.

    1. Don't forget the subtext to your comment, namely, doves (which have wings) being burned alive, much like Icarus' wings burned off as he flew too close to the sun, which clearly draws strong parallels to trained slave-hunting wolves serving as field judges at track & field events.

    2. I think it goes without saying that all of my comments have a slave-hunting wolf subtext. And you picked up on this one quite nicely.

  5. Even though I rarely drink pop (sans whiskey), Pepsi is better than Coke.

    However, RC is the best cola, hands down. Fight me.

    1. Pepsi, Coke, RC, Dr. Pepper -- they all have their place. And that place is squarely behind Ginger Ale.


    2. Vernor's is the undisputed champ of ginger ale. Obviously.

      And we love our Mountain Dew around here, too. Dammit, suddenly I want to start drinking pop like 12 year old me used to. If they still made Faygo in glass bottles for 35 cents, I'd be riddled with diabeetus.

    3. @ Gamboa: I hate agreeing with you, but RC is hands down the best. And since I hate agreeing with you, I'm happy to report that Coke is roughly a bazillion times better than Pepsi.

      @ Bronze: Let me get this straight, you prefer ginger ale and bread and butter pickles? I'm not sure whether to put you at the top of the "People I Hate The Most" list, or the "People Who I Should Pity The Most Because They Clearly Were Fed Lead & Arsenic Flavored Milk As A Baby".

    4. Agreed on the Vernor's. Such a crisp flavour, though it's pretty tough to find up here in Canada, what with Canada Dry's firm grip on the gingerale market.

    5. There was a time when I, too, might have gone Pepsi over Coke, but it turns out I really was being a contrarian dipshit. Pepsi tastes more like sugar, whereas Coke has that distinct what-the-fuck-is-this-thing flavor I've grown to love, especially from a can.

      RC Cola? The fuck is that? Do they still make RC Cola?

    6. @Echo

      Honestly, I'm surprised I'm alone on this. Doesn't everybody love these flavors? Next you're gonna tell me I'm the only one who likes Ass Licorice.

    7. @Echo

      On the rare occasion that I do buy pop, I'll gladly take a Coke Zero. But traditional Pepsi is better than traditional Coke, both of which are mere pawns at the feet of RC's unquestioned dominance. Agreed? Good.


      Vernor's has so much more "punch" than Canada Dry or Seagram's that I honestly wasn't even sure if it was categorized as ginger ale. That whole fizz-spraying-up-your-nose thing is an oddly pleasurable sensory phenomenon unlike any other. I figured it was very minimally distributed outside of MI, but Canada makes sense.

      @Anyone else who reads this balog

      I apologize.

    8. @Echo

      Perfectly said. RC, Finest Kind.

    9. @Gamboa

      Well, on my next trip to Windsor for business (I manage strippers) I'll be certain to cross the bridge and grab a case.

    10. Do y'all put a bag of Planters peanuts in you RC?

    11. @Eric

      It's been known to happen. But they damn well better be Planters.

    12. @Erg

      Yes. It was perfectly said. By Echo. I never would have even thought of mentioning RC. Certainly not before he did. Echo. Echo. Echo!!!


    13. @Gamboa

      One was referring to the totality of Mr. Echo's statement. He placed Coke ahead of Pepsi. He also echoed my thoughts about ginger ale and bread & butter pickles. Ergo, he was perfect. One appreciates your effort on behalf of RC but feels a certain number of points must be taken from you for stating that other drink is better than Coke.

      /Actually meant to include your RC love but got distracted thinking about having to decipher those damn letters and numbers. I apologize if anyone was offended by that omission.

    14. @ Gamboa: it's times like this I am reminded of an old saying of the Bantu tribe - you know, the ones who speak in clicks. Roughly translated, it means SUCK IT GAMBOA!!1!


    16. Coke>Pepsi

      Diet Pepsi>Diet Coke

      Ginger Ale > everything (but only on airplanes)

    17. [logs onto MKM for first time a in a week]


      [prepares 10 page long argument in favor of one brand]

      [shreds it]

  6. We are agreed on RC and I do love Vernors (an old econ professor once said that it was the best thing to ever come out of Michigan)

    Has anyone ever had a Blenheim? I get a hard-on just thinking about it. We brought a lot of it back from our trip to Charlston.

    1. Never heard of it.

      And I totally don't get a hard-on just thinking about you getting a hard-on just thinking about it. Perv.

    2. It's got a ridiculous bite to it (it's the Marv Albert of ginger ales) and predominantly sold in the southeast US.

      Great with whiskey too.

  7. I know that we aren't supposed to laugh when the writers engage the trolls, but Drew telling a random burner to "blow me" did get a chuckle out of me.

    1. Correction: not actually a burner, but you get the point.

  8. I think it's a bit weird how this is like the 273rd time UweBollocks has offered to drink pee out of my pooper to prove that he "hates" something. I mean, "warm summer nights"? "A mother's love"?? "Money"??? "Having a penis roughly 1/16th the size of Gamboa's"????

    OK, I get that last one, but ya smell me.

  9. Question to folks that do photoshop jokes: is it hard to learn? Is there a free way I can do it?

    Every so often, I'm tempted to do a picture joke, but then can't, because I'm incompetent.

    1. What does your inability to control your bowels have to do with Photoshop?

    2. I only use Microsoft Paint (the one in Windows 7). I just use the "snipping tool" to take screen shots of images, and then I crudely "cut and move" when needed. Then I just try to clean it up and save it as a JPG.

    3. Seconded. I don't know the very first thing about Photoshop, but feel like it would be a useful (completely useless but entertaining) program to be at least competent with.

    4. For anything complicated, I've been using this, but just saw a post that they will be discontinuing the editor as it's flash-based. Frowny face, because it was free (but not necessarily easy).

      It did, however, let me draw this, the comment which got me starred.

      Remember stars? Frowny face again.

    5. Ooooooooooh. This could be fun, good old-fashioned circle jerk. Link the comment that got you starred?

      Strangely enough, I received mine from the ninja the morning after this completely non-joke comment:

      And you thought YOU were a nerd.

    6. @SbV8

      Holy shit. I had never seen/didn't know that. That is simultaneously hilarious and amazing.

      What happened in 10th grade that led to your demise? Also, did you ever win a national championship?

    7. This was my starred comment, but I'm not sure it was really what got me starred. I remember it came late that night after I participated in DUAN! as a greyed commenter, and at the end of a decent week of commenting for me at that time.

    8. My top finish was third and I never really had a chance to win it all. There were always one or two kids who were on another level (every few years during that time span some new kid set the new record for youngest master). I was a tier below...there were maybe 12 of us that shuffled around in the spots below the top.

      And basketball actually. Chess got to the point where I'd have to really devote a huge chunk of time studying to continue to improve. If it means anything, I hit 1600 around 5th grade, 1800 before 10th, and never got higher than that. But I also got tall (6'4") early, so when I got the opportunity to play basketball year round I took it. Did not enjoy studying chess all day.

      Of course, I immediately stopped growing, couldn't bring my game out of the post, and never had a chance in hell to play organized basketball at Division-anything in college.

      I still think it was the right decision though. It' interesting group of people you're around when you hit an expert rating on a chessboard. The home schooled ones were the weirdest. Although, in hindsight, quite a few likely had some development disorders.

    9. Funny story: I have no idea how I got a star.

      I got it sometime in June of 2009 (I think) after AJ banned a bunch of folks. I didn't comment much then, but wrote him a note saying that I thought the system was much improved.

      Months later, when I commented, I had a star.

    10. @Sgt Also, I think I was unintentionally exaggerating a touch, I probably quit a year earlier, sometime during 9th grade.

    11. I have a good friend of mine who was state chess champ in lie 6th grade or something, but it was nothing more than just something he was good at. He didn't study it, or spend any time outside the actual match itself studying it or anything. It just came inately to him. I'd like to think I know a fair bit about chess, but this guy just smokes the shit out of me every time we've tried to play. Like literally dunzo within a dozen moves.

      And the guy might be the biggest dumbass I know. Just a big stinking fat drunk who dropped out of college (that said, he's one of the most loyal and best friends I have to this day). But he's just got that odd gene. When the poker craze hit about a decade ago, he was always, always the one who came out with the biggest stack at the end of the night; constantly thinking about five steps ahead.

      In closing: Chess players are weird. You're weird.

      Anyways, I


  11. Anyone else had some posts turn up on their MBA Google reader feed? I'm seeing a post reminding everyone to not engage the trolls here or on Deadspin, but I'm not seeing it on MBA.

    Shitehawk, you post something and then change your mind?

    1. Yeah, I guess he did. I managed to read it before he removed it, and although I did earn a (deserved) wag of the finger for engaging said trolls, I thought it was good and agreed with it.

      Ain't no shame in your game, Shitehawk.

  12. Best brand marketing is Heinz ketchup. Every single condiment at a restaurant can be some generic food service company product, mustard, relish, sugar packets, jam packets, bbq sauce, etc... Nobody's ever been to a diner and complained that they don't have Knott's Berry Farms to put on their toast. But woe to the restauranteur who puts out Hunt's catsup in lieu of Heinz.

    Can we also agree that Moxie is the shittiest carbonated beverage known to man. Despite being unfit for human consumption, assholes in Maine keep drinking it.

    1. I like Moxie. We actually named our chocolate lab Moxie. It has a terrible, terrible aftertaste, but if you can drink a whole can you feel like a genuine Real American Man.

      Also, hell yes Heinz. Hunts is for cunts.

    2. I was at a place recently that obviously had a Heinz bottle refilled with generic shit. The color was wrong, and the taste more so. My point is that they should be catapulted into the sun.

  13. So, I was in Maine a few years ago, in Freeport, loitering around the big L.L. Bean and wasting time. I wandered into a touristy gift-shop on the low side of town and found a refrigerator with cold soda, mostly of the blueberry-this and blueberry-that variety, but they happened to have quite the store of cold Moxie. Having never tasted the stuff before, I was sufficiently curious to fork over the two bucks or whatever for a glass bottle.

    I took my cold Moxie out to the sidewalk and had a sip. Awful. As in big, exaggerated shudder, suppressed gag-reflex awful. I tried another sip - just as terrible. I was leaning in for one last taste when a local guy rounded the corner and happened upon the scene. Without pause, he said, "pretty awful shit, huh?" I grinned and nodded. "Needs a shot of whiskey, that's what" he said, and continued down the block.

    Know what it tastes like? Skoal. It's the worst shit on earth. Celery soda would taste better.

    1. Holy crap, that is spot-on. It does taste like a cup of dip spit.

    2. I thought it tasted like tobacco flavored bubblegum.

  14. pull the trigger, eric. i got your back.
