Saturday, July 28, 2012

MKMOT (July 28-29, 2012)

???   or  ??????

You decide. It's open.


  1. No, seriously, though. In or out. That's my job. You decide. It's open.

  2. I'd like to make a few points.

    I understand that there has been an effort to ignore/dismiss burner comments and other trolls, but needless to say, the comment faerie has been doing little to police the comment threads save for occasional deletion of spam bot comments and that flapshit loser.

    Now, the comment sections are filled with the very low standard of comments and shitty jokes that would have been merely an anomaly with the previous system. Aware that I am far from the funniest commenter, perhaps my words will fall on more deaf ears then would someone else's, regardless, where is the harm in pointing out the shittiest of jokes and calling these losers on it.

    For example, should I make another Lance/one-nut joke, give me a -1 reply, and I will do the same for anybody else where more is expected of them, and also call-out all the lazy shit that these noobs/burners post. If some noob makes an awful joke, why not reply with "That's fucking awful." Sure, you might seem like a dick to others, but remember guys, we are dicks, this is our common thread.

    Point being, if we start calling out people, regardless of their prominence as a commenter, we will be helping to return the standard to a shadow of what it once was. Just felt the need to express my disdain with the standard of comments, discuss. Deadspin's comments section has falen into the wrong hands, and I believe it is to us to help kick the trash to the curb.

    1. That's another vote for RC Cola. The RC Cola's have it. Meeting adjourned.

    2. I've been able to block out bad comments pretty easily, cobra. The funny shit is still coming, as far as I'm concerned. Here's a preemptive -1 for you.

    3. Gotta say, I think that's a bad idea, cobra.

      First among my reasons for saying that is this: you've got to remind yourself there's an algorithm shuffling and sorting these comments, and the good commenters on Deadspin get priority seating. In other words, if All Over But The Sharting decides to rip some burner ass-wipe a new one, that exchange is going right to the front of the line. If everyone ignores it, it slides down into the abyss. The effect of interacting with bad commenters defeats the purpose.

      Secondly, burners and morons who might have previously been stuck in Pink Town don't know enough about what we do on Deadspin to mind getting into a pissing contest with you about your snarky put-down. And that will absolutely rocket the conversation to the front of the line. Again, defeating the purpose.

      And finally, you'll just be encouraging snark and negative feedback and all the exact kinds of noise we don't want on Deadspin. If we +1 good stuff and ignore everything else, just like we always did, the message will become clear over time that a bad joke or bad comment is known by the lack of feedback. In that way, Deadspin will become even more like the comedy club, where the worst thing that can happen is a joke that draws no laughter or applause. People will learn what to do real quick if they're being straight-up ignored. But if the featured conversation in every thread is some ugly back-and-forth between "locals" and "tourists", that will be the start of the end, my friend.

      Anyway, I recommend not doing that. If for no other reason than I'm sure someone will juke your cred and drop your shit to the bottom of the heap. At least, I'm pretty sure it works that way.

    4. Guy Who Thinks Shitehawk Should Spend Less Time Critiquing The New Comment System And More Time Stroking My Ego On MBAJuly 28, 2012 at 5:47 PM

      Really, get back to work already. It's been over 2 weeks now. +1's aren't enough to give me the fix I need, I need you to eloquently describe why my comment was actually funny. Take a timeout from counting all that money in ad revenue generated by MBA and start posting again.

    5. What should I do real quick when I'm being straight-up ignored?

  3. Guy who likes sound logicJuly 28, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    Jolt has caffeine X2 (for those who are rusty with their algebra that is twice the caffeine as the can clearly points out). Now if I am to assume the caffeine found in coffee is of the same potency and quality of that found in Jolt (which I will take as fact until proven otherwise), if one 12 ounce cup of coffee with a meager caffeine X1 (or once the caffeine) creates an avg intake to shit time of approximately 12 minutes, does caffeine X2 (remember that's two doses or twice the caffeine) mean that I should be drinking Jolt while I'm already safely on the toilet?

  4. So, I can engage on this cola debate for literally 10-12 hours straight, as those who know my "real" job and/or have had the displeasure of meeting me in person can attest.

    Now, with that preamble ... I'm boarding a plane to New York right now, with no family in tow. I'm heading to fat's bar tonight - who's in?


    [smashes crickets]

    [confirms hypothesis that loner losers become psychopaths]

    1. Don't know why I'm reading this on a Saturday. Bring it, Dubai. I won't be there tonight. Doesn't get crowded until 10:30, if you're into that. Bar's lease not being renewed. Will be looking to move in next few months.

    2. Well, I won't be there either - flight was cancelled so my plans went from Manhattan on Saturday night to the Cleveland Airport Sheraton. So, there's that. But, hopefully tomorrow night.

      Also, good luck on the move. Any idea where?

  5. I'd do it but I'm out of town this weekend. You should vomit on the bar for me, though! For authenticity, consume nothing but red bull and twizzlers all day first.

    1. I just changed my order on this flight, but the attendent said they don't have any twizzlers or red bull. But they do have borscht and vodka, so that will work, right?

    2. That is a depressingly acceptable substitute.

  6. Is Nova Gearhart a gimmick account? It has to be.

  7. I love bashing Kinja as much as anybody, but I must say, I have become quite a fan of the "dismiss" button.

    This morning I woke up to find that a LeBron fanboy wasn't a fan of a comment that I made yesterday, and rather than having his dipshit reply stick in the responses, one click was all it took to make him disappear. I could get used to that.
