Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MKMOT/50 Days of HATE-Day 3 (September 12, 2012)

Well, not much debate over yesterday's choice. Let's try this one on for size.

I LOATHE this song. "Life is a highway"? Oh, man. What a profound metaphor! Probably the best since "Some say love, it is a river." Just deep, deep stuff. Pray tell me why life is a highway. Because you "wanna ride it all night long"? That's some next level brilliance right there, you rock 'n' roll wordsmith, you.

OK, my anger is shining through. Look, it takes more than bad lyrics to make the cut for 50 Days of HATE. Many songs have horrible lyrics yet remain inoffensivetoo stupid to even take seriously, or even all out likable. In order to really catch my ire, more so than anything else, I have to HATE the sound. Simple and plain. A pure, sensory response. Whether it be an annoying, repetitive chorus, the way a guitar is tuned, or  a grating singing voice. For me, this song manages to "succeed" on all levels. In fact, all these years later, I can't imagine anything that could possibly make it any worse.

Judging by my childhood and its timeless inescapability, I must be wrong about this one. Tell me why, won't you? Of course, you don't have to. I'm not restricting your comment topics. Have I made that clear? I'm not sure if I've made that clear. Just to be clear, your comment topics are not restricted. By me. In other words, I am making no attempt to prevent you from discussing any subject you see fit. Below. In the thread. Under the video.

It's open.


  1. That's just the way it is. Some things will never change.

  2. Mr. Raysism would like you to call him when you've lifted the overly onerous restrictions on commenting on this balog.

  3. I fuckin' love "Africa." Which is strange, because I hate "Rosanna," and Africans.

    Is it me or-- and this'll sound odd, but stick with me-- does Tom Cochrane look like he should be toothless?

    1. "Africa" is amazing. I keep some crappy stations on my XM presets pretty much for the sole purpose of encountering it.

      I'm still waiting for "Totally Toto" to render this unnecessary.

    2. This was discussed awhile back on Twitter, - one point for the "Pro-Twitter" movement, Gamboa - but if you guys like Africa, you would probably appreciate this and this.

    3. Man, I need to learn to play guitar.

      That's awesome.

  4. Guy Who Is Gay And Likes To Make Gay Parody SongsSeptember 12, 2012 at 9:19 AM

    If Kluwe is not gay,
    Why did I ride him all night long?

  5. Skeevs,

    I just want to say in all serious that you did it proper this morning. Well done.

    Also, I have a weird feeling that Raysism loves this song. It's probably on his marathon running mix.

    1. I can't believe you are accusing me of this.

      And by "this", I'm referring to running with music.

    2. You're a weird guy, Ray. A weird guy. What was that about?

    3. I never realized how easy it would be to do that. I somehow got on your comment page when I clicked on the crabs comment, so I gave it a +1. Then I just kept going. I'm going to do it to IMG now.

  6. "Tuff Enuff"?

    More like 50 Days of GREAT, amirite???

  7. /Nods, snaps rhythmically while wearing beret

  8. Oh hey guys, can somebody help me out... Does anyone remember the name of that sports related website we used to post funny comments on? Can't seem to find it.

  9. When my mini-Phins are watching Disney/Pixar's "Cars" and RF's version of Life is a Highway comes on, I'm not filled with rage. It works in that scene.

    Now, where does the line to fight me start?

    /stabs Uwe in the face with a spork

  10. This song is the musical equivalent of treatment-resistant syphilis. It's eternal insufferableness was pretty much assured. It was a little too catchy and showed up on too many radio station formats (Top 40, Rock, AC, etc...) and was hummed/sung by too many assholes for one to escape it. I hated it when I was a senior in high school and even more so now. The only good thing I can say about it is that if it was playing on the radio or MTV, then that meant Warrant was not.

    1. Well said, although Rascal Flatts never covered my syphilis.

  11. @ Phin

    I agree with everything you said there. Especially the stabbing part.

  12. Yeah, maybe I just need the backdrop of screaming kids to appreciate horrible music more.

  13. You seem to hate children. You were one once. Probably a smallish, funny looking one with no friends, well actually now I know why you hate kids.

    Also, when kids watch movies, they usually are quiet. You just think they're screaming all the time because you hang out by schools and at parks a lot.

  14. I was as self-loathing then as I am now.

  15. 'Bad to the Bone' by George Thorogood

    I wasn't alive when this song was at the height of it's popularity, so I have to ask. Was it ever as bad-ass as Thorogood (probably) intended it to be? While I was growing up anytime some kids movie was ready to introduce a "rough and tumble" eight year old invariably named Spike, this was the film's go-to song. I find it grating, and that it's become a parody.

    I mean, I'm beyond my "blasting music while cruising around town" days, but could you in good conscious, be driving in your car with the windows down, hear this song come on the radio, and NOT turn it off immediately? I wouldn't be caught dead at a red light next to someone who could actually hear me listen to this.

    Maybe it's just me

  16. I don't know how much time you guys spend on Gawker, but this guy has been killing it over there. it one of us*?

    *anyone that is not me or Raysism

    1. Thanks for that link, flippin' hilarious, except for the guy/gal who had to google Birth of a Nation.

      Nathan Bedford Forrest is soooo mad.

      D W Griffith, not so much.

  17. It's possible I'm wrong, but I think a lot of Thorogood's original stuff was recorded with tongue firmly in cheek. That song (which is sort of a blown-out take on "Hoochie Coochie Man") and "I Drink Alone" in particular have always struck me as being intentionally silly.

    He still has to answer for his ghoulish, obnoxious covers of genuine blues classics, though.

  18. Seriously though, this whole thread was awesome. Like the old days. I miss them.
