Friday, October 19, 2012

MKMOT/50 Days of HATE- Day 35 (October 19, 2012)

Well, the good thing about being drunk right now, and having a history of posts met with crickets, is that I don't have to worry too much about elaborating on my HATE target of the day. So, here it is. I HATE the dude's voice, the way the guitars are tuned, and basically everything this stands for. Easy, no???

I could get into all kinds of musicological depths, but why? It is what it's always been. Your place to yap about whatever you want. So, here it is. Use it. That's the reason why it's open.


  1. Man you really have to post this video? That's like rubbing salt on my leather jacket, man. They just broke up like a few weeks ago. Or, maybe a month or two, or a few? Anyway, I remember it clearly:

    I had just finished rubbing Armor All onto the tires of my Cherry Red '87 Trans Am. I hopped into that sucker to go scope out chicks on the main drag. As soon as I flip the ignition, there's my boys blasting on my sweet system. Score! What a way to start a Wednesday. So the song wraps up, and the DJ drops the bomb. There was tons of traffic for some reason, it was like 8:30 am, and all those fuckers were pissed when I just stopped in the middle of the road. But I needed a moment, ya know? But ... actually, I think that was when The Hives broke up. (That god they got back together, right?)

    I know. I had just finished chewing out the hussy at Mc D's who fucked up my Spicy Chicken order. (Yea, I like it hot.) So I turn around, and I see the this fucking depressing news breaking on the main screen and the ticker on CNN! Shit, no, that was 9/11.

    Alright, I can't actually remember. But I'll always cherish the time I got busy with that waitress behind the dumpster while this song played softly over the Applebee's outdoor waiting patio sound-system. (Dudes, get an upgrade.) Chick was totally not into it, but once the Jet started blaring, and I grabbed her arm and forcefully threw her back there? Oh man, was she down!

    The loss still stings, but it's cool, Wolfmother is coming to town soon. Wolfmother rocks!

  2. I'm so glad I don't listen to as much music as you.

  3. Y'know, I think I actually prefer it when this guy sticks with the hateful "libtard" rants.

  4. @StF

    Bless thou. I was going to post a link to Not Fade Away at about 6:00AM but then had servers to restart and never got back. This one would likely grow old quickly but I've heard worse. Of course, I'm a burger and fries guy through and through.

  5. Hey guys, quick question – does anyone know whether the yellow first down marker they show on TV is official?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I did some research and I found out that it's not official. I know, weird right? You would think they would at least mention this on the broadcast. Confusing to say the least.

    2. Thanks for clearing that up. However, it does lead me to my next question - if the line is not official, isn’t it confusing to the players on the field? I mean they see this bright yellow line across the field, make every effort to cross it, and no first down? What gives?

    3. I know what you mean. That’s why I think the NFL is rigged. I took the San Francisco team in my football pool that I split with my girlfriend and I totally got screwed because San Fran (49ers) decided that they didn’t want to take that 2 point touchdown that they got at the end. Plus I started 49ers defense (San Fran) in my free office fantasy league and didn’t get 2 points, I know I’m going to lose because of that. You want to hear who I have on my fantasy team?

    4. Yeah man definitely. But only if you promise to let me talk about my fantasy team and pretend to be interested in it instead of shifting the conversation back to your fantasy team. I have a few trade proposals I want to run by you and I’m only in 4 different leagues, so this shouldn’t take long.

    5. Now remember, in order to overturn the ruling on the field, there must be indisputable video evidence.

    6. Yeah, I also forget whether the entire football has to go over the goal line or just the tip. Then I remember that the NFL uses the same rule for touchdowns that I use for deciphering how many girls I slept with.

  6. I thought that was just a song Apple commissioned. I didn't realize it was an actual song unleashed on an unsuspecting public.

  7. There's a band like this that comes along every once-in-a-while that people laud as "old school" rock & roll, but in actuality, it's just ass clowns that sound like they went to the Keith Richards School for Playing Guitar and dropped out after they learned how to play an E and a G Maj. Puke.

    (BTW - I put AC/DC and KISS in this category as well. Fight Me.)

  8. So what you're saying is, I should have learned more chords?

  9. Johnny, you didn't even bother applying to the Keith Richards School. You sniffed a bunch of glue, burned it down, and pissed on it's ashes.

  10. AC/DC and KISS HATE?

    By "fight me," you mean "caress me tenderly," right???

  11. This +1 (plus one) goes to Madoff's Mets for that theatre of the absurd shit going on up there. I hope it's not over yet.
