Wednesday, October 10, 2012

MKMOT/50 Days of HATE- Day 27 (October 10, 2012)

Well, you guys seem to have taken really well to the new Jinka system. In fact, I was so impressed with one particular commenter that I ended up allowing him to submit today's writeup. Below this song that I HATE is said writeup, straight from the esteemed Anonymous via my Inbox. I haven't read it, but I'm going to show some blind deference to a commenter just this once. Obviously, I don't generally do this for the comments. No offense, but that would be silly. And I don't DO silly. This isn't the place for it.

Hey, brahs. Anonymous here. Perhaps you know me from my legendary comments such as this one. You may have seen my work on countless other sites as well, although it's hard to verify because my handle has spawned literally millions of knockoffs. You know, sincerest flattery and all that...

Anyhoo, time for real talk. Can you believe the audacity of this asshole? I mean, at first I thought the redesign must be some kind of joke, but as amazing as it seems, I was wrong.  You've got to believe that even this fucko prick wouldn't pull a stunt like this without leaving some kind of subtle clue, and I'm not going to go reading the writeup or anything like that to look for it. So, with that thorough investigation wrapped up, it goes without saying that I am rightfully enraged. 

As I mentioned in last night's comment, a blog (Yes, BLOG. I refuse to say that stupid fucking Hungarian version or whatever it is) is the LAST place people go to seek attention-hungry writers and their self-amusing jokes. Especially this one. I mean, the guy is always holding himself out to be some prize-worthy scribe who tackles the most complex of societal issues, so I keep coming here expecting to see it, only to have my day completely ruined. Well, last night, I finally couldn't take it anymore. And if I don't see some change in the next 8-12 months or so, I'm going to have to seriously think about pondering whether or not I might want to stop coming around and offering my insights. And if that's not enough to shut this place down, I suggest you all do the same.

Blogger is widely known as a vehicle for journalistic selflessness. Believe me, they're not all like this guy. Most of them could give a shit about key-stroking their own egos, and all but whore themselves out for the commenters. Some might even let US provide the real content, and make no bones about it.  Can you imagine this dickbag being that deferential, or like, interacting with us in the comments like most bloggers do? Gasp! Man, that's like imagining a black president. Or life without my checkbook. Or the touch of a woman. No comprendo, muchacho!

I know I'm not the only one who understands the gravity of what goes on here on a daily basis, and who took a completely rational degree of personal offense to yesterday's tiresome tomfoolery. This is NOT the blog I pay every month to subscribe to. Let's be the change. Join me, Anonymous, in this important mission below. Appropriately for the venue, this is no laughing matter. This is MY thread. And it's open.


  1. Guy Who... ah fuck it, I do not have time for a Google Image Search this morningOctober 10, 2012 at 8:57 AM

    I'd say that this is the most pathetic, defensive, chickenshit, sandbagging, self-congratulatory waste of language ever written, but unfortunately, I've also read Good Times, Bad Times, Our Times: A Comedy Memoir, by Jimmie Walker.

    1. Comments like this make chickenshit baloggers like myself really wish I had a delete button. Alas, without such a tool, I'll have to somehow summon the courage to face your perfectly measured anonymous criticism. Oh, and while we're talking books, Profiles In Courage should be right up your alley.


  2. MarkKelsosMigraine is probably pirouetting in his grave more than usual today.

  3. Replies
    1. I couldn't get past the first few guitar notes, but good find. Please tell me Snuffleupagus wasn't involved. That would crush me.

  4. This black background is making me see lines when I navigate away, and I don't mean the good kind of lines. Get your shit together and design this hell hole so it's readable, or I will take my dollars elsewhere.

  5. Hey Mr. Tamberelli, Madoffs Mets here, anyway I am a huge Pete and Pete fan and am just so thankful Deadspin gave me the opportunity to finally speak with one of my biggest idols. So me and my buddies have been arguing over this for years now and I want you to settle this debate once and for all - which Pete is the first Pete in Pete and Pete. Thanks, I’ll hang up and listen.

  6. Auctions, red meat, and BALOGs. God bless both you and 'murica, Skeevs.

  7. Guy Who Wishes MBA Still PostedOctober 10, 2012 at 8:30 PM

    Remember when this blog about a blog still had something to do with Deadspin? Those were the days.

    Also, Marv Skeevy complaining about anonymity? Sorry, dude, forgot about all the epic posts YOU made over at Deadspin.
